Vocab Porn & Dictionary Banning

28 January 2010

[23 Jan] Admit it. We’ve all done it; scour the dictionary for titillating and sophomoric definitions relating to sex. Nick Martens discusses the joys of vocab porn and the OED. (Hat tip to languagehat.)

And Lisa Berglund over at the Dictionary Society of North America blog covers one school board’s overreaction when a ten-year-old looked up “oral sex” (Horrors!) in a classroom dictionary.

[28 Jan Update: The dictionaries have been returned to the classrooms, but students will have to have permission slips signed by their parents in order to use them. It what is perhaps the saddest note to this story, not a single parent, pro or con, showed up at the school board meeting when the issue was discussed. The LA Times has the updated story here.]