Railroad Jargon

14 October 2005

Most professions have their own jargon, a specialized vocabulary that applies to that field. Railroading is no different in this respect. Many railroading terms are familiar to us. Terms like whistle stop and cowcatcher are distinctly old-fashioned.

But not all railroad jargon terms are archaic or obsolete. Here is a selection of modern terms in use by those who run the railroads.

angle barn., length of steel used to join sections of track or to repair gaps in a track

armadillon., a van carrying replacement crews

autorack trainn., a train carrying automobiles

baby liftern., a brakeman

bad ordern., a rail car that needs repair

beanern.,  a B.N.S.F. (railroad company) train

blockn., a length of track controlled by a single signal

block signaln., a signal at the entrance of a block that governs trains entering that block

bowln., area of tracks in a yard where cars are organized into trains

branch linen., a secondary line of a railroad

broncon., automobile equipped to ride on rail tracks; bronco in the canyonn., such an automobile on the tracks

bulk trainn., a train carrying a single commodity, other than coal

caboosen., crew car at the end of a train, very few are still in use

coal trainn., a train carrying coal; in the US, coal trains are by far the longest and heaviest trains

conductorn., the senior crewman responsible for cargo and passengers

consistn., the contents of a car

crossingn., a place where railroad tracks cross a road or other track; grade crossing, a ground level crossing; signed crossing, a crossing marked with a warning signs; whistle guard crossing, a crossing that sounds a whistle as a train approaches; guarded crossing, a crossing with gates that close as the train approaches

crossovern., a track connection between two adjacent tracks; v., to drive a train from one track onto another

curfewn., period where no trains are scheduled, used for track maintenance, cf. window

cutn., a group of cars in a switchyard intended for the same train; v., to separate car(s) from a train

dark territoryn., a stretch of track without signal control where instructions must be relayed via radio

dead man’s pedaln., a pedal that must remain depressed in order for the train to move

dead on the lawadj., stopped by the legal requirement for crew rest

deadadj., stopped

diamondn., intersection of tracks where only one can be used at a time

distributed powern., the use of locomotives in the front to pull the train and  simultaneously others in the rear to push; also DPU for distributed power unit

dogcatchern., a crewman dispatched to replace a crew that needs rest

drag outv., to move a cars out of yard to make room for others, past tense is drug out

engineern., a crewman responsible for driving a locomotive

enrouten., train destined for a particular yard

extra trainn., an unscheduled train

flagv., to authorize a train to proceed, to override an automated signal that says stop

flat switchingn., organizing trains in a yard without humps

fluidityn., state where the trains are moving

frogn., metal flange that guides a train’s wheels from one track to another at a switch

go in the holev., when passing another train, to take a siding, cf. hold the main

go trainingv., to engage in train watching

health monitoringn., maintenance inspections

holdv., to keep a train in a yard or station beyond its planned departure

hold outv., to keep a train outside a yard or station until there is room

hold the main, v., when passing another train, to remain on the main track, cf. go in the hole

hot boxn., an overheated axle bearing

hot shotn., a priority train

hot wheelsn., overheated wheel from a sticking brake

humpn., a small rise used to assist in coupling train cars in a yard; v., to couple cars through use of a hump

humpern., a train heading to the hump yard
intermodal trainn., a train consisting of cars carrying containers

lay down, v., to stop a train on the tracks for an extended period, usually with power shut down (cf. tie down)

manifest trainn., a train consisting of mixed types of cars

pitn., fueling station

recrewn., a replacement crew

roll byn., an inspection by the crew of another train as it passes

ruling graden., the steepest grade on a route, it determines or "rules" how heavy a train may be

run-throughn., a train that passes through a yard without cars being added or detached

shooflyn., temporary track laid to bypass an obstacle, such as a mud slide

shootern., a high-priority train

slave locomotiven., an unmanned locomotive controlled by a manned locomotive

slotv., to schedule a train to depart a yard or terminal

spurn., short, dead-end section of track used to load trains, access a location, or for parking

stack trainn., a train carrying stacked containers

switch enginen., an engine used to move cars in a yard

throw the fencen., technique where the engines in the front of a train slow the cars descending a hill while locomotives at the rear are still pushing cars up the other side of the same hill

tie downv., to stop a train temporarily outside a terminal

tie upv., to finish a run

train watchern., a hobbyist who observes trains, called a train spotter in Britain

trimn., a line of coupled cars ready for departure awaiting a locomotive; v., to organize a line of such cars

trim leadn., track leading from the sorting tracks to the departure yard where a trim is joined with its locomotive

UDEabbrev., undesired emergency

walkv., to run a train at the speed a person can walk, usually because of a suspected defect in the track

windown., period where no trains are scheduled, usually for reasons other than track and signal maintenance, cf. curfew