The Guardian on Language Decline

16 August 2019

David Shariatmadari has a nice piece on the myth of the decline of the English language in The Guardian.

He writes:

There is no such thing as linguistic decline, so far as the expressive capacity of the spoken or written word is concerned. We need not fear a breakdown in communication. Our language will always be as flexible and sophisticated as it has been up to now. Those who warn about the deterioration of English haven’t learned about the history of the language, and don’t understand the nature of their own complaints – which are simply statements of preference for the way of doing things they have become used to.

There’s nothing new here for those that have studied the myth, but it’s a concise debunking and useful for reference.

Reinhold Aman (1936–2019)

14 March 2019

Reinhold Aman died earlier this month. Aman was one of the leading experts on profanity and the publisher of the journal Maledicta (“The International Journal of Verbal Aggression”), which ran from 1977–2005).

He was also, shall we say, an interesting character. He was, at one point, imprisoned for sending threatening material to his ex-wife, her lawyer, and the judge who handled the divorce case. I must say, however, that in my few dealings with him, he was always quite polite and gracious.

Jesse Sheidlower has penned an obit.

ADS 2018 Word of the Year

9 January 2019

Every year I report on the American Dialect Society’s selections for Word of the Year. There are lots of organizations that propose such a word, and I do so myself, but I generally only write up the ADS choice. That may be because the ADS, an organization of academic linguists who study language for a living, has been doing it longer than anyone else, and it may be because in past years I’ve participated in the nomination and selection process. But this year, I’ve been late to the process. (I was traveling when the announcement was made and am only getting to it now.)

As a result, I’m not going to give a detailed report, essentially regurgitating the ADS press release. Those interested in a detailed account of the vote tallies and the winners in all the sub-categories can read the press release. Instead, this year I’m going to write about what a Word of the Year means and the ADS selection process.

First, so as not to keep you in suspense if you don’t already know the results of the ADS vote, their Word of the Year is tender-age shelter. (The ADS defines word as a “vocabulary item,” which can include phrases, abbreviations, emojis, etc.) I think it’s an apt choice, nicely encapsulating the racism-fueled political turmoil created by and abuses committed by the Trump administration.

But in a larger sense, selecting a word to represent the entire year is an impossible task. No single word or phrase can do that. The world is too big and the events that occur over a span of twelve months are too diverse for a single vocabulary item to represent them all fairly. For example, the ADS selection, quite naturally for an organization based in and studying the language of North America, reflects an American bias. Someone living in Aleppo, Syria would probably not think tender-age shelter sums up their experience of the past year. But if one does not take the process and result too seriously, and the ADS does not, openly stating that theirs is far from an academically rigorous exercise, reflecting on the choices for such representative words can be fun and perhaps even useful.

I want to point you to an article by linguist Geoff Pullum on this year’s ADS selection process. Pullum succinctly describes the process and mood in the room as the words are discussed and voted upon:

a rapidly shifting pattern of ethical, aesthetic, and political sentiment that inclined people, apparently in an extraordinarily subjective way, to feel more or less warmth toward particular suggested words or phrases.

For those who have never attended the ADS convention, and that would be almost all of you, Pullum’s article is about the best substitute one could find.

I do, however, have to disagree with Pullum on his criticism that a word of the year should not be a phrase and that the ADS should apply a stricter definition of what a word is. Going beyond the fact that all such definitions of word are somewhat squishy, containing as many problematic corner cases as vocabulary item does, limiting the selection to lexemes that obey a specific orthographic convention of containing no spaces is quite arbitrary and pointless. Take for example two similar phrases: Bernie’s bro and Bernie bro. Despite their similarity, the former is not a vocabulary item, while the latter is. The first is an ordinary noun phrase, the meaning of which can be deduced from the meaning of its constituent words: a close male friend of someone named Bernie. The exact identity of said Bernie is not contained in the phrase itself, but can probably be inferred by its context, and the slang bro brings a connotation of particular aspects of youthful, masculine behavior. But Bernie bro is something quite different: a young, male supporter of candidate Bernie Sanders who exudes sexism and toxic masculinity in his internet postings. The meaning of the phrase cannot be deduced from the meaning of its constituent words. Not only does Bernie refer to a specific person, the junior senator from Vermont, but bro does not denote a close, personal relationship. The phrase can only be understood as a single vocabulary item. We could write it as Bernie-bro or even Berniebro, making it a word in the strict sense, and it would not change in meaning. Bernie bro would have been an apt candidate for the 2016 Word of the Year (it was not considered that year).

While I agree that tender-age shelter is an excellent choice (tender-age was one of the words I selected on my own list), I’m not so sure about some of the other choices. Voldemorting is a bit too cutesy to be a good “most useful” term. I would have argued strongly for preferred pronoun, which only got three votes, particularly given that it was the only term considered that related to transgender issues, a subject that permeated American political discourse this past year and one that will undoubtedly be with us for a long time to come. I’m also not sure how single-use is representative of 2018 or even a viable candidate for “most likely to succeed” given that it was coined a decade or more ago—it has already succeeded. Although the competition in this category was pretty feeble. And while racially charged is a decent choice for “most euphemistic,” deleted family unit, which was chosen as “WTF word of the year,” would have been a better choice in the euphemism category. I do, however, fully support the selection of white-caller crime—the phenomenon of white people calling the police when they see black people going about their daily lives—as the choice for “most creative.” Of course, this is just my opinion.

There are other ways, even a bit more academically rigorous, of choosing a word of the year. Merriam-Webster uses one such other method in their choice, which was justice this year. The lexicographers there choose their words by which ones are most looked up online by users, ignoring, of course, those words that are perennially searched for. Justice was looked up 74% more often in 2018 than in 2017. I’m not suggesting that the ADS should find a more objective method, far from it, but I want to point out that there are different methodologies at play in the various selection processes.

2018 Words of the Year

26 December 2018

As in past years, I’ve come up with a list of words of the year. I do things a bit differently than other such lists in that I select twelve terms, one for each month. During the year as each month passed, I selected one word that was prominent in public discourse or that was representative of major events of that month. Other such lists that are compiled at year’s end often exhibit a bias toward words that are in vogue in November or December, and my hope is that a monthly list will highlight words that were significant earlier in the year and give a more comprehensive overview of the entire period. I also don’t publish the list until the final week in December; selections of words of the year that are made in November, as many of them are, make no sense to me. You cannot legitimately select a word to represent a year when you’ve got over a month left to go.

My list is skewed by an American perspective, but since I’m American (and living in Texas to boot), them’s the breaks—although I have tried to limit the number of Trump-related terms; given his ability to dominate the news cycle day in, day out, the list would otherwise be all Trump all the time.

I interpret word loosely, including phrases, abbreviations, hashtags, and the like. The selected words are not necessarily, or even usually, new, but they are associated with their respective month, either coming to widespread attention or relating to some event that happened during it.

So, here are the 2018 Words of the Year:

January: bomb cyclone. In early January a winter storm slammed the East Coast of the United States, dumping up to sixteen inches of snow in some places and paralyzing an area stretching from New England to Virginia. TV and radio meteorologists started using the term bomb cyclone to describe it. The term is not a new one among meteorologists, having been used for decades to refer to a cyclonic storm, especially a winter one, resulting from a sudden and severe drop in barometric pressure, but this time the media, with its penchant for sensational weather stories, grabbed it and ran with it.

(Further Reading)

February: crisis actor. On 14 February a gunman opened fire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, killing seventeen and wounding seventeen others. Following the mass shooting, witnesses and victims were labeled crisis actors by conspiracy theorists, who claimed the shooting was a hoax. Crisis actor appears as early as 2012, originally referring to actors who played the role of victims of a mass casualty in drills to train first responders and other emergency response teams. But following the December 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, the term was co-opted by conspiracy theorists and took on its sinister and imaginary sense.

(Further Reading)

March: inclusion rider. Frances McDormand ended her Best Actress acceptance speech at the 2018 Academy Awards saying, “I have two words to leave with you tonight, ladies and gentlemen: inclusion rider!” An inclusion rider is a clause in an A-list actor’s or director’s contract that requires a certain level of equity in the hiring of women, people of color, or queer people in the production. While McDormand brought the term, and the issue of discrimination against women in Hollywood, into the public eye, she did not coin it. The term dates to at least 2016 when media researcher Stacy Smith used inclusion rider in a TED Talk. Smith had been promoting the idea of such equity clauses since at least 2014.

(Further Reading)

April: incel. On 23 April 2018, a man, self-identified as an incel, drove a van into a crowd of pedestrians in Toronto, Ontario, killing ten and injuring sixteen others. Incel is a portmanteau of involuntary celibate, referring to a person, usually a heterosexual man, who desires a sexual or romantic partner but is unable to find one. Incel was coined in 1993 by a bisexual woman as an identifier for those seeking out support on the internet from others who also had difficulty finding a partner. The term continued in use in various internet subcultures and over time was co-opted by violent and misogynist men. The term became front-page news after the 2014 mass shooting in Isla Vista, California by another self-proclaimed incel.

(Further Reading)

May: yanny/laurel. In a controversy reminiscent of the blue/gold dress of 2015, an audio illusion swept the internet in May. The illusion was of a recording of the word laurel that to many sounded like yanny. While seemingly an odd choice for one of the words of the year, the phenomenon is a great demonstration of the principles of phonology and how the brain converts sounds into words.

(Further Reading)

June: feckless. In the midst of the controversy over the separation of parents and children trying to immigrate to the United States, Ivanka Trump tweeted a picture of herself holding one of her own children. In response, comedian Samantha Bee criticized Trump for not taking action to change her father’s policies, calling Ivanka a feckless cunt on Bee’s cable television show. Her use of the term generated the usual flurry of internet controversy during June, and Bee subsequently apologized.

(Further Reading)

July: monsoon. This name for the rainy season in South Asia would not normally qualify as a word of the year as it happens every year, but this year the plight of twelve boys and their football coach trapped in a cave in Thailand riveted the world. The boys and their coach were exploring the cave when rising waters from the monsoon trapped them underground, and rescuers raced against time in the attempt to rescue them before more rains fell. The boys were eventually rescued, at the cost of the life of one of the rescue team.

(Further Reading)

August: QAnon. In October 2017, a so-called “Q Clearance Patriot” started posting absurd conspiracy theories about a deep-state effort to undermine President Trump and supporters to the internet message board 4Chan. The name is a reference to the Top Secret Energy Department “Q” clearance, with the poster hinting that they had such a clearance. The absurd theories gained widespread and rapid acceptance among Trump’s supporters, but were largely ignored by the mainstream news media. But the appearance of QAnon supporters en masse at a Trump rally on 31 July brought the phenomenon to the media’s attention, and there was the usual overreaction and continuous stream of punditry on the subject throughout August, traditionally a slow news month, until the next shiny thing distracted the cable news outlets.

(Further Reading)

September: witch hunt. Since Donald Trump is fond of using the term to refer to the Mueller investigation, witch hunt could have qualified as a word of year for almost any month. But it rose to even higher prominence in September when accusations surfaced that U.S. Supreme Court nominee (and now Justice) Brett Kavanaugh had committed sexual assault. These most recent uses of the term reverse the usual power dynamic. Traditionally, a witch hunt is when the powerful demonize and persecute a marginalized or less politically powerful group, often men persecuting women. But this latest use of the term is about women and the less powerful speaking out against men in power.

(Further Reading)

October: caravan. October news in the United States was dominated by the caravan of migrants from Central America making their way northward to the U.S. The migrants, mostly families fleeing dangerous situations or economic instability were deemed a threat by the Trump administration, which falsely and hyperbolically associated them with terrorism. The connotations of the word caravan itself furthered this false narrative with its origins in and association with the Middle East and with the Roma (gypsies).

(Further Reading)

November: blue wave. A wave election, in American political jargon, is an election where one party makes major gains over the other. Blue has been associated with the Democratic party, and red for the Republicans, since the 2000 election. This year’s mid-term election qualified as a blue wave, with the Democrats gaining 40 seats in and regaining control of the House of Representatives, gaining over 330 seats in state legislatures, and gaining 13 more governorships.

(Further Reading)

December: civility. Former President George H. W. Bush died on 30 November at the age of 94. Obituaries and media coverage of his funeral continually focused on the concept of civility, how the late president embodied the politics of a kinder, gentler era. But in applying the word to Bush, who was capable of nasty political in-fighting when it suited him, as in the infamous Willie Horton advertisement, pundits and reporters were making sub-textual comments more applicable to present-day politics than those of the Bush-41 era.

(Further Reading)

Honorable Mention: The honorable mentions are terms that rose to prominence during the year but were either not associated with a particular month or which lost out to another term.

  • Tide pod. The Tide Pod Challenge, in which teens dared each other to ingest packages of Tide laundry detergent, became a phenomenon of viral hysteria in January. It wasn’t completely fictional, with several being hospitalized for poisoning, but in actual numbers it was more media hype than real.

  • executive time. A euphemism for watching television, the Trump administration used executive time to block out long periods on the president’s calendar.

  • raw water. Drinking raw water, that is water that has not been filtered or processed, became a thing in 2018. While not as dangerous as ingesting Tide Pods, it’s not a smart thing to consume.

  • tender age. While far from new, this term came to the fore in the news this year, describing infants and toddlers who had been separated from their parents by U.S. Customs and Border Protection personnel.

  • Camp Fire. The Camp Fire, which raged in November, was the deadliest and most destructive fire in California history, and the deadliest in the United States since 1918. Named for its point of origin along Camp Creek Road, the fire makes the list because of its conflation with the ordinary campfire.

  • devil’s triangleA slang term for a sexual tryst involving two men and woman, the phrase came to the attention of mainstream media during the Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation hearings in September.